Thursday, 21 July 2011
10 Surprising <br>Hydrators
Latest Research: Excessive Drinking May Cause Male Infertility
The article talks about the effects of alcohol when it comes to male fertility. Not only does this drink harm the liver and other internal organs, it also harms the sperm cells and cause infertility. Alcohol is an addictive drink that should be consumed with care.
Many people drink alcoholic beverages at parties and bars to have fun. Some individuals drink at home to unwind and relax after a long day of work. Moderate drinking has been said to be good to the heart, circulatory system, and gallstones. However medical studies show that drinking may bring more harm than good. Drinking too much alcohol cause negative short term effect like depression, hangover, dehydration, and headache. It may also bring long term effects like loss of brain cells, liver failure, stomach ulcers, nerve damage, and male infertility.
Recent medical studies show that drinking more than four than four ounces of alcohol a day can be bad for the male reproductive system. Alcohol concentration depends on the kind of drink that is consumed. A bottle of beer or a glass of wine contains half an ounce of alcohol; excessive amounts of these drinks may harm the body and cause problems in one's sexual health and fertility.
Alcohol contains toxins that may harm the sperm-generating cells in the testicle. Such development may cause a decline in sperm quality and lead to infertility. In addition, alcohol may hamper liver function and a cause rise in estrogen levels, which may interfere with hormone levels and sperm development. Chronic alcoholism can cause atrophy in the testicles which may lead to low libido among men.
The toxicity of consuming excessive alcohol may also reduce sperm density or sperm count. The usual volume of a single ejaculate is three milliliter with about 130 million sperm cells per milliliter. Alcohol may cause a significant reduction in these figures. Alcoholic drinks may also cause abnormalities in sperm size, shape, tail, motility.
In addition to the effects of alcohol, high levels of lead are associated to people who drink alcohol. According to a study conducted at the University of California Berkeley, individuals who have high levels of lead may be at heightened risk of becoming infertile. Researchers found out that high levels of lead in semen were linked to low fertilization rates. In additional tests, they found out that lead may prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg.
Based on anecdotal evidence, excessive alcohol intake also affects sexual performance, and, as such, may indirectly affect a man's ability to engage in sex intended to cause pregnancy. While a glass of wine or champagne is usually associated with romance and the necessary prelude to sexual activity, inebriation or total drunkenness would surely interfere or prevent successful and satisfying sex.
Drinking alcohol in excess is not a good idea because it may cause many serious problems in one's life. If the alcohol abuse does not cause immediate problems, then excessive use of it over a long period of time can cause serious health problems in the end. Everyone deserves to relax if they want to, but excessive alcohol is a serious problem that should not be taken for granted. Relaxation should involve healthy routines and not short-term happiness or the “high” that alcohol provides. People who want to indulge in alcohol consumption should bear in mind that this drink is very addictive and should be taken only in moderation.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Goldfish Memory
Price: $24.95
ABC News 20/20 Why Him? Why Her? The Science of Seduction
Biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher has spent 30 years putting couples under the microscope -- analyzing love and scrutinizing affection. ABC News examines her theories in a quest to discover: when people meet a potential partner, what turns the feelings on romantic love on - or off -- and can you speed up the dating game by tapping into mother nature's mating game?
We also look at the extreme measures some people take in the search for love, including arranged marriages. Only 5 to 7% of arranged marriages end in divorce, compared to the near 50% divorce rate in the U.S. of marriages made for love. And when nature isn't taking its course and the search for love needs a romantic bailout, some people are turning to headhunter for the heart April Beyer. This Los Angeles matchmaker, who charges $30,000 a year for her services, believes that psychology - not biology - will lead to love.
Airdate: 1/30/2009
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
Price: $19.95
I Seem To Have Misplaced My Girlfriend Men's Hoodie Sweat Shirt Small thru 4XL
Goldfish Memory
Price: $24.95
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women (PAL)
Price: $79.97
iMarried Men's Sweat Shirt in 2 colors Small thru 3XL
Ultimate Romance
Specially composed music, cool and understated, completes the romantic setting, ideal for seduction. And your Ultimate Romance DVD is authored to play and loop automatically. Just load it up, and let the fireworks begin. Nothing to worry about, or re-start. It will play endlessly. Shot in high definition, widescreen.
Designed to subconsciously implant ideas of passion and desire, the Ultimate Romance DVD is the one and only DVD made specifically to encourage and enhance that moment of ultimate passion. There is only one DVD designed for lovers, with only one purpose... to give you a night of intimacy and passion ...and this is it. The Ultimate Romance DVD- give it to someone you love...or watch it with someone you want to love. If any DVD will get your date into the bedroom, with the clothes off and the lights turned down low, this is the one!
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
Price: $14.95
The Gentleman's Guide to Seduction
Think you have to be rich or good looking to be successful with women? You don't! This program shows you in incredible detail how to succeed with any woman you desire. Forget about all those silly hypnotic gimmicks and phony pheromones you've heard about. They don't work. Confidence and honesty is all you will ever need to score over and over again. That's what this video is all about. Honest, straightforward, real world techniques that get RESULTS! Stop sitting all alone at night while the other guys get all the action.
Now it's your turn.
or your money back.
Here's what you'll learn:
The only opening line you'll ever need--Use it anywhere, in any situation.
Find out what really turns woman on!
Instantly build your confidence with simple, easy and effective exercises you can start doing today!
How to get her phone number.
How to ask her out.
Where to take her.
What to talk about.
How to steal that first awkward kiss.
And Much More!
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
Price: $15.78
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 4 - The Way of Change
Can we learn ways of being that increase our aura, our charm, our confidence, our attractiveness quotient with women?
Can you learn to live a life that is purposeful, can you learn to be compelling, can you learn how to have a certain joie de vivre that makes you irresistible to women, a man to be admired and desired?
Can we actually change?
The answer to all those questions is emphatically "Yes". Natural skills, seduction skills, can be learned by almost anyone.
Success with women, as with anything, is not an accident. It is a choice. It is deciding exactly how you want the world around you to be and what you want your future to look like.
"The Way of Change" is Volume Four of the 4-Volume Enlightened Seduction by Zan DVD Series.
Titles in this DVD series:
- Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural
- Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women
- Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships
- Volume 4 - The Way of Change
Price: $89.97
I Heart (Love) Love Kids T Shirt In 5 Colors 2T thru Youth XL
The Layguide: How to Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible No Matter What You Look Like or How Much You Make
Price: $12.95
Pickup Artist Mystery Revealed - The A Game Seduction Secrets on How to Pick Up Women (PUA The Game)
Dear friend,
Are you lonely and sexually frustrated?
Not happy with the women in your life?
Beautiful, interesting women don't love YOU for who YOU are?
Now finally, you CAN attract sexy, fun-loving, interesting women -- total "10's" -- WITHOUT any of the difficulties of traditional dating or "pick-up" game.
Imagine: Your NEW Life. Women Are Magnetically Attracted To You For Who You Are ...
Inside you'll discover ...
? Step-by-step guides of REAL pick-ups, from casual sex to meaningful relationships.
? How to have IRON CLAD confidence, so that women know EXACTLY who you are and become attracted to YOU ... not some "avatar" or phoney personality you "put on" for a Friday night.
? Why beautiful women are rejected MORE OFTEN than you are ... (This is MIND-BENDING stuff, and it will help you determine when you are accidentally telling a hot woman off!)
? The Infamous "Toll Booth Method". How I go from meeting a hot girl -- to having her drag me into the bathroom as we're making out in a matter of minutes.
? The #1 place women go when they are looking for a man (and it's free). This is a scientifically proven hot spot most men are totally unaware of.
? How to never feel rejection again. A tip for having a near-100% success rate when approaching a woman.
? 3 things you should NEVER to say to a woman (this will KILL the mood immediately) ... and what to say instead.
? How to get away with CRAZY stuff -- such as making out in public places or getting a woman's phone number with her boyfriend standing beside her, dumbfounded!
? Why you might be CREEPING women out, and what to do about it. (May be THE most valuable part of the book.)
? The secret to having attractive women do things for YOU -- buy you drinks, cook for you, give you gifts, whatever you'd like.
? The #1 thing 99.7% of guys do that makes them LESS attractive.
? The REAL secret to impressing a woman (Hint: It has nothing to do with what you say, how much money you have, or what you look like, and ALL women can spot it as soon as you enter the room.)
? NEVER tell a woman she's _________, if you want a sexual relationship with her.
? How I turned a "nerdy hobby" of mine into a sexy turn-on for hot women.
? Why putting on clothes "to get laid" is counterproductive and stupid. I'll give you the real deal when it comes to fashion that attracts women instantly.
? How to compliment a woman so that she beams with happiness, rather than runs for the "Exit".
? 3 easy ways to tease a woman that gets her TURNED ON.
? An easy-to-use trick to get you a woman kissing you before you even know her name. It takes less than 60 seconds, it's fun to do, and you won't look like a creep.
? One simple comment (not a "pick-up line") that gets a woman to buy YOU a drink. It's so easy, and it WORKS, you'll be slapping yourself on the forehead when you hear it.
? How to seduce those smoking hot, stuck up women who care only about money without spending a penny.
? How to guide a woman through vivid fantasies and fantastic roleplays that make her literally addicted to you.
? Why you should NEVER talk about your "job" ... and what to talk about instead.
? How to use laughter to get her in bed -- and fall in love with you. You don't have to be a "comedian" to get this to work.
? 3 effective ways to show interest in a gorgeous woman (and get her to your bedroom) WITHOUT communicating loserdom,
desperation, or sexual frustration like all the rest of the guys.
Price: $7.99
Rules of the Game
I. The Stylelife Challenge
Master the Game in 30 Days
II. The Style Diaries
The Pickup Artist's Companion
Questions for Neil Strauss Yours has to be one of the strangest career paths in the book business: from rock critic at the New York Times, to cowriter of memoirs with rockers and porn stars, to bestselling seduction guru. Do you ever wonder how you got from point A to point Z?
Strauss: Oddly, I never do. Instead, I wonder why it took me so long to get to point Z. And then I wonder if people are going to stick with me when I go to point whatever-is-after-Z next. I guess that would be point AA--which, come to think of it, I've already been to with Dave Navarro while writing his book. You write in the introduction to Rules of the Game that you thought The Game was your "last word on the subject," and you were ready to get on with your life. But, like Michael Corleone, you got pulled back in. Why was it so hard to leave?
Strauss: Good simile. Someone else compared it to Donnie Brasco. There's something about the seduction community that sucks people in. I've seen college kids drop out of school; doctors quit their jobs; and celebrities take huge career risks to pursue this knowledge.
It may be because, according to the Kinsey Institute, most men think about sex every two minutes. But our society has never given them tools to safely fulfill these desires. Once they find out there's a way to learn to be more successful with women--and see evidence that it works--they tend to dive in headfirst. Perhaps because, when it comes down to it, this is why we're really here. Do you meet women who have read The Game? What do they think? And with the thousands of people out there you have trained and the many more thousands who have read the book, are women starting to recognize the strategies? Do they ever say, "Hey, you're playing the Game on me"?
Strauss: I've run into some women who've read the book to learn about the male mind, and they've all been positive about it--the book, that is, not the male mind. It's the women who've heard of the book but haven't read it who want to burn it.
And actually, a guy at a book signing the other day told me he got caught using one of the openers. But he still walked away with her phone number. His advice: on the rare chance that it happens, don't get scared and scamper off. Instead, use it as an opportunity to start a conversation about the game itself and whether it works. If they've read the book, this obviously means they're interested in the subject--and now you both have something in common. Rules of the Game is actually two books: the Stylelife Challenge and the Style Diaries. The first book is pretty straightforward: a 30-day plan for "Mastering the Game." But the second one is not what you'd expect in a self-help book. Can you explain what it is and why you included it?
Strauss: I didn't want to just give people a self-help book, and promise that their life will be sunshine and unicorns forever. I wanted them to know that with knowledge and power come a new set of challenges and problems. So the black book contains seduction stories from the dark side of the game, and the fact that, as the German director Fassbinder put it, "We were born to need each other, but we still haven't learned how to live with each other." Part of the story of The Game was the tension of what happens, after you've become proficient at the Game, when you find someone you love. Is that the point: to go from player to lover (or, ulp, husband!)? How do you do that? Or does playing the Game become its own end for some people?
Strauss: If you master the game, then you also must master your own fears and insecurities. And overcoming these destructive traits can only help you have healthier relationships. That said, the downside to learning the game and then falling in love is that you have to be strong, because there are a lot more options than there once were. So for readers who are having trouble: the secret to monogamy is realizing that the fantasy of being with someone else is usually better than the reality. You can't do better than love.
Price: $16.99
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships (PAL)
Price: $79.97
Seduction in Death
Price: $7.99
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships
And yet all around us we see the smoking wreckage of relationships.
A man who is just recovering from the destruction of his marriage or relationship is terrified of the notion of trying to navigate the high seas of dating today.
And with good reason...
Relationships and dating have devolved into a series of manipulation and mind games and a contest of wills. There's a kind of mean spirit that permeates relationships today.
And despite our best intentions, relationships today almost always follow the same typical and predictable path. They have a life cycle that repeats itself over and over again.
It's amazing how regularly our relationships crash on the rocks. In fact, can you imagine any other enterprise of humanity that is undertaken with such spectacular optimism? If we failed as regularly in business as we do in love, we would stand back, shake our head, and say, "Ok, something's not working." But in affairs of the heart, we repeat the same cycles over and over again.
In this volume we will examine the seven distinct stages that virtually every modern relationship goes through. And we will discover a better way - a more enlightened approach to dating and relationships today...
"The Way of Relationships" is Volume Three of the 4-Volume Enlightened Seduction by Zan DVD Series.
Titles in this DVD series:
- Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural
- Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women
- Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships
- Volume 4 - The Way of Change
Price: $89.97
The Perfect Seduction: Pick Up Magic with Steven Shadow Dvd!
Total Flirt: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Every Girl Needs to Get the Guy
If you are not a born flirt, and most of us are NOT, you can learn this very seductive art from the best in the business, Miss Violet Blue! It is a skill you can hone into a craft. Any girl can be a good, fun, brazen, sassy, or great flirt! Total Flirt is the hip girl's handbook to getting any guy you want. Under Violet's wise and helpful tutelage, you can become a flirting diva. Or, if you are not quite a diva, this book is for you, too, and you'll find it laced throughout with humorous personality tests and wile caricaures of flirty personal you can try on or use for inspiration. Total Flirt teaches readers how to walk like a siren, talk like a bombshell, seduce like a vamp, and even how to do all this on the Internet--the essential guide to having a good time anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.
Price: $12.95
I Heart (Love) Everybody Kids T Shirt In 5 Colors 2T thru Youth XL
Yes Dear Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
I Kissed The Bride Women's Babydoll Petite Fit Tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XL
The Art of the Approach: The A Game Guide to Meeting Beautiful Women
Price: $9.79
I Have No Game Men's tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
Mystery is an aspiring Toronto magician who charges $2,250 for a weekend pickup workshop. He is not much to look at: a cross between a vampire and a computer geek. But by using high-powered marketing techniques he's turned seduction into an effortless craft--even inventing his own vocabulary. His technique sounds like a car salesman's tip sheet: his main rule is FMAC--find, meet, attract, close. He employs the "three-second rule"--always approach a woman within three seconds of first seeing her in order to avoid getting shy. Other tricks: Intrigue a beautiful woman by pretending to be unaffected by her charm; also, never hit on a woman right away. Start with a disarming, innocent remark, like "Do you think magic spells work?" or "Oh my god, did you see those two girls fighting outside?" And finally, the most important characteristic of the pickup artist--smile.
After two years, Strauss ends up becoming almost as successful as Mystery, but he comes to an important realization. His techniques were actually off-putting to the woman he ended up falling in love with. And they never prepared him for actually having a relationship. After a while, he ran out of one-liners and had to have a real conversation. Still, The Game is a great read that may help some AFCs come out of their shells. --Alex Roslin
Price: $35.99
How To Get A Girlfriend - DATING ONLINE
What can YOU do slightly differently than the last 50 guys who tried emailing her that same day?
Be different (in a fun way) without seeming desperate, needy, or creepy.
This book explains and explores the common mistakes men are making dating online AND explains, step-by-step, EXACTLY what to say in order to stand out and get dates.
This book outlines the FOUR FOUNDATIONS of successful (online) dating: Attraction, Rapport, Leading, and Escalation.
- ATTRACTION is about tension and her emotional response to you.
- RAPPORT is about intimacy and her emotional connection with you.
- LEADING is about challenging your fears and taking action while communicating sincerity through your actions.
- ESCALATION is about consistently increasing the intensity of your relationship via attraction and rapport so that it goes where ever you want it to go.
- Exactly to say in your first email so that she's MOST likely to respond to you.
- 8 tragic but typical mistakes you should NEVER make when first chatting with her online.
- 5 ways she's indicating she's "ready" to meet you (but you might be missing.)
- 10 things you SHOULD be doing to make or break your online profile.
- 10 detailed examples of men's profiles, and what's good and bad about them.
- Learn which types of photos make women click your profile, and which make her run for the hills!
- MANY examples of the types of emails other men will be sending her so that YOU can learn how to avoid sounding like "just another creep."
- How to be DIRECT in such a way that will invite her to desire you more.
- 7 amazing openers that you can use anytime that I've tested and used to meet many amazing women online, and why they work so well.
- Etc, etc, etc...
Price: $6.99
Virginity Is For Losers Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
I Kissed The Groom Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural
They see women as they really are.
We all know a natural, someone who has a natural facility with women and who is comfortable in the land of women.
Why is it that some men seem to have an aura, a presence, a way of drawing women into their reality?
What is it that sets these men apart from you? Can it be analyzed and described? Can it be taught? Can it be learned?
In this eye-opening volume, you will discover the traits common to all natural seducers. Every man in history who was good with women had all of these traits.
And interestingly enough, no other men have any of these traits. You either have all of them or none of them.
For the first time ever, this DVD will enable you to catch a glimpse into the mindset of a Natural.
These traits have never described before, and yet they are the very essence of true, enlightened seduction - the secrets that Naturals throughout history have always known...
"The Way of the Natural" is Volume One of the 4-Volume Enlightened Seduction by Zan DVD Series.
Titles in this DVD series:
- Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural
- Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women
- Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships
- Volume 4 - The Way of Change
Price: $89.97
I Kissed The Bride Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
Ask Me About My Stalking You Women's Babydoll Petite Fit Tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XL
Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime
Price: $9.79
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 4 - The Way of Change (PAL)
Price: $79.97
Art of Seduction
Bang: The Pickup Bible That Helps You Get More Lays
Bang includes...
- The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male
- The 5 critical components of the "vibe," an optimal attitude women find most attractive
- Tons of natural, high-impact opening lines that work just about anywhere women can be found
- Best answers to a girl's common questions that heighten the tension and build attraction
- A technique to get her phone number without asking for it
- Detailed text messaging strategy that shows you word-for-word how to get dates in the shortest amount of time possible (no need to make voice calls)
- The one text messaging mistake 95% of guys make that kill the interaction
- A simple trick for the first date that will make her feel like she has known you longer than she actually has
- "Four key moves" to the kiss that are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won't even recognize them as moves
- A comprehensive dating strategy so you bang her no later than the third date
- The 5 magic words to say when you want to get inside her place
- How to make a smooth transition to the bedroom
- 7 detailed steps to taking off her clothes
- How to approach girls in coffee shops, the gym, and foreign countries
- How to prevent a girl from seeing you as too young or too old
- A bonus "cheat sheet" that contains six of the most crucial points you need to remember when it's time to pickup girls
- Internal Game. How to build your confidence and adopt the correct beliefs that maximize your notch count
- Early Game. How to meet women, have good conversations, build attraction, and get either numbers, kisses, or one-night stands
- Middle Game. How to set up a date along with what to do and say while out on them
- Late Game. How to seal the deal and plan for future dates
- End Game. How to take your results to the next level
(This is the second edition of Bang, released in summer 2010.)
Price: $9.99
I Seem To Have Misplaced My Girlfriend Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
You'd Look Better With Me Men's Sweat Shirt in 2 colors Small thru 3XL
BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Flirting Mastery: Flirt and Charm Anyone (Ultrasonic Subliminal Series)
I Heart (Love) Everybody Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
Sorry If I Look Interested I'm Not Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL
Laptops Pose Damage To Male Sexual Health
Advancement in modern technology such as laptop computers are being studied for its potential damage to man's sexual health. Recent findings have shown that frequent use of laptop by men can increase the temperature of the scrotum and may have a negative effect on sperm production and development.
Living the 21st lifestyle would not be complete without electronic gadgets that prove just how much technology has changed the way we live. With the growing popularity of computers, it is no surprise that researchers have embarked on a study to determine the potential damage, if there is any, that frequent use of laptops may cause on a man's sexual health and fertility. Recent findings by the State University of New York experts have shown that men who frequently use laptop computers could be unwittingly damaging their fertility.
A laptop computer, or simply laptop or notebook, is a small mobile computer that usually runs on a single main battery or from an external AC/DC adapter which can charge the battery while also supplying power to the computer itself. This very useful office and entertainment tool is now being examined so that the public may be forewarned about the potential hazards of long-term use.
Researchers found that when a man balances the said equipment it on his lap, it increases the temperature of the scrotum which is known to have a negative effect on sperm production, and may cause scrotal hyperthermia. Since the function of the scrotum is to keep the testes at a temperature slightly lower than that of the rest of the human body, increase in scrotal temperature can damage sperm production and development. Scrotal hyperthermia has been identified as a risk factor for male infertility.
According to Dr. Yefim Sheynkin, lead researcher from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70°C --- a temperature that is harmful to live sperm.
“They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs,” he said.
There are 29 healthy males aged between 21 and 35 who volunteered to be a part of the experiment. Temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use and the different seating positions over one hour time periods were recorded and evaluated. The following results were observed: In order to balance a laptop, a man has to sit with his thighs together. With this posture alone, temperature in the scrotum rose by 2.1°C. When the men used a laptop in this position, the average temperatures increased by 2.6°C. on the left side of the scrotum and 2.8°C. on its right side.
Researchers also say that the body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development, or what is termed as spermatogenesis, in medical terms. Their studies have not determined the exact frequency and time of heat exposure that is capable of producing reversible or irreversible changes in spermatogenesis. But previous studies made suggest that 1°C above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient. Based on their findings, the repetitive use of a laptop near the proximity of the male pelvic area might cause permanent damage and infertility. Teenage boys and young men are advised to limit their use of laptop computers on their laps until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure.
At the British Fertility Society conference, Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in Andrology at the University of Sheffield, said that it is already a common knowledge that increasing the temperature of the testicles can affect sperm production. He added that, “... worrying about having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.” He warned that men who use laptops regularly should be very careful. Further work is needed to see if regular laptop use is a risk factor in male fertility and man's sexual health, in general.
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women
Price: $89.97
Enlightened Seduction by Zan - Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural (PAL)
Price: $79.97
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed

His tips include:
*Give more attention to her less attractive friend at first, so your target will get jealous and try to win your attention.
*Always approach a target within 3 seconds of noticing her. If a woman senses your hesitation, her perception of your value will be lower.
*Don't be picky. Approach as many groups of people in a bar as you can and entertain them with fun conversation. As you move about the room, positive perception of you will grow. Now it's easy to meet anyone you want.
*Smile. Guys who don't get laid, don't smile.
Price: $19.99
The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction
As the book begins, Mystery and his crew have withdrawn to their swank Miami mansion to plot their next move. When a new student comes to stay at the house, Mystery draws him deep into the pickup-artist lifestyle and shows him an intimate portrait of the master of seduction. Mystery lays out a complete system of game, and unveils his latest (and fully field-tested) strategies and techniques. The Pickup Artist includes
• a list of all the triggers that create—and destroy—attraction
• a new way to approach strangers and start a conversation: microcalibrated openers
• Mystery’s most powerful humor technique, the Absurd—so you’ll never run out of things to say again
• a full chapter on physical escalation (touching, kissing, “making a move”)
• the solution to inner-game issues, for when you’re not confident enough
• and much, much more
Whether he’s holding court with eager disciples in South Beach, hanging out with his crew of fellow super-seducers in Las Vegas, or partying it up in the Hollywood Hills, Mystery is never far from where the action is—and never fails to get a piece of it. Now it’s your turn. Read The Pickup Artist and get into the game.
Price: $22.00