(DVD Version: PAL) Men have lost their way... We no longer know how to be men. We simply can't understand the dating scene. Everything our fathers told us no longer applies. We're not sure if we should open the door for her, if we should pay, if we should wait two days before we call so we don't appear needy. Or is it three? Should we be sensitive and considerate, sharing our feelings with other and crying often? Or should we steel ourselves against the vagaries of life, shouldering our burden with resolute and silent determination? We don't really know anymore... Men today have the viewpoint that it is "us" over here and "them" over there. So many men today view women as some kind of enemy, like a force to be conquered or overcome. The dating and relationship scene is viewed as some kind of a struggle or battle. Men are over here, arrayed on a hill, staring helplessly across an abyss of silence at women over there in their walled and imposing fortress. If men today are so lost and confused, what about the women? Do they have all the answers? Do they perhaps hold all the cards? Do they have the upper hand when it comes to relationships and dating? Today's woman has lost her dreams. Her relationships, castles of sand, so carefully constructed and measured, that once seemed so promising, wash away on the shore. And she is saddened a little more. By the time she has reached adulthood, she has learned to be efficient, tough, and independent. In this volume, we will explore this shifting dynamic of men and women. We will explore how things have changed. This changing landscape is the beginning of a nascent men's movement, one that has not been created by "relationship gurus". We've always had those: men and women who give "dating advice". Men's magazines are filled with advice that no longer applies in today's world. Men today have recognized that almost all of the advice provided by the multi-billion dollar self-help industry is completely inapplicable today... "The Way of Men & Women" is Volume Two of the four-volume Enlightened Seduction by Zan DVD Series. Titles in this DVD series: - Volume 1 - The Way of the Natural - Volume 2 - The Way of Men & Women - Volume 3 - The Way of Relationships - Volume 4 - The Way of Change
Price: $79.97
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